Community Showcase – Operationalising Green IT – Less Esoteric, More Measurable Goal Accomplishment

– According to Intel’s “Introducing the Sustainable CTO” study, 4/5 CTOs are concerned with sustainability this year and Gartner also identifies “Sustainable Technology” as one of the top 3 strategic technology trends for 2024.

– Learn how to make sustainability a fundamental requirement in your IT strategy. Although the necessary knowledge for more sustainability in IT is available, the challenge lies in the practical implementation. 

– Explore proven measures that promote a high level of acceptance for green IT initiatives and shows how these initiatives can contribute directly to organisational goals. 

– Find out why many Green IT initiatives are currently still struggling to contribute effectively to the achievement of company goals. Participants will learn how to effectively upskill employees and which strategic pitfalls often lead to the failure of green IT initiatives. Green IT must not be viewed in isolation from other company activities, but must be holistically integrated into existing processes, roles and responsibilities.


Yelle Lieder
Day 1 - 15:55, Main Stage