
CTO Craft Con: Berlin Pre-Conference Mixer

23rd September 2024

Get a head start on the excitement of CTO Craft Con: Berlin by joining CTO Craft and DoiT for an exclusive pre-event Mixer.  

This is your chance to catch up with fellow attendees, network with community members, and make new connections before the main event – all included with your conference ticket.

Time: 18:00 – 20:30

Location: Birgit Club, Schleusenufer 3, 10997 Berlin

Supported by:


Day 1

24th September 2024

Time Main Stage
Keynote – The Future of Tech Leadership

– Adapting leadership styles to manage remote, hybrid, and international teams; leveraging technology for better communication and collaboration, and fostering innovation in a distributed workforce.
– Implementing flexible work policies, investing in technology that facilitates remote collaboration, and developing leadership training programs focused on adaptability and digital literacy.
– Effective leadership in the tech industry is critical for navigating the complexities of the modern workplace, driving innovation, and ensuring team wellbeing and productivity.

Fireside Chat – Sustainable Innovation and Strategic Growth: Navigating Global Tech Regulations

– Examine the differing regulatory frameworks in the USA, China, and EU, focusing on their impact on tech innovation and market entry.

– Address the costs and complexities of compliance, the dynamics of global competition, and the unique opportunities within the EU for leadership in sustainable and AI-driven markets.

– Discuss strategies for fostering a culture that supports innovation through shared values, strategic communication, and adaptable tech strategies.

– Highlight the importance of strategic alliances with institutions and companies, and the role of technology boards and centers of excellence in navigating global regulations.

Coffee Break

Grab a refreshment, recharge, and meet your peers in the networking area.

Panel Discussion – Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities

– Overcoming communication barriers and cultural differences to harness the creativity and innovation that diverse teams bring.
– Implementing diversity and inclusion training, fostering an inclusive company culture, and leveraging technology to facilitate communication across different time zones and languages.
– Diverse and inclusive teams have been shown to be more innovative and effective, making cross-cultural collaboration essential for global competitiveness.

Presentation – Facilitation: A Superpower for Engineering Leaders

– Engineering leaders are the glue that holds teams and projects together. Yet many struggle to foster true collaboration and engagement.
– This presentation explores the art of facilitation as an essential skill for today’s engineering leaders, transforming the way we lead our teams as servant leaders.
– We will discuss specific examples of workshops and participative meetings that you can use to make your own collaborative efforts more successful.

Community Showcase – Elevate Engineering Goals to your Company’s Genuine Priorities

– Making architecture or infrastructure transition, reducing technical debt, migrating the main framework – whatever the key technology priority is at the moment, it will be challenged among business objectives with direct revenue impact for time and budget allocation. The role of the CTO here is to ensure that the most vital engineering topics are addressed. 

– Drawing from our experiences at Eurowings Digital, this talk delves into the practical techniques for effectively integrating engineering goals into company strategies. From identifying key improvement areas to quantifying their impact on business outcomes, we’ll explore actionable insights to streamline the journey towards engineering excellence. 

– By adopting open prioritisation among other company needs, leveraging a ubiquitous language, tracking and explaining engineering metrics, we can drive meaningful change and innovation within an organisation.

Fireside Chat – Cultivating Core Values: Building an Inclusive and Aligned Tech Culture

– Explore methods to align team actions with company values, ensuring these values evolve with the company to remain relevant, impactful, and inclusive.

– Discuss how a shared commitment to core values, including diversity and inclusivity, can enhance organisational resilience and help navigate challenges collectively.

– Focus on embedding these values in key processes like recruitment, onboarding, and performance management to create a culture of wellbeing, empowerment, and belonging for all team members.

Community Showcase – Coaching Fundamentals for Leaders

– Bringing the best out of people is an art — and most people go about it the wrong way! You think to yourself “Oh! I’ve seen that before. I’ll share my experience with them!” You jump in and share your ideas and off they go. The trouble is that they haven’t learned anything from the experience because they are just executing your instructions.

– A better way is to coach them to find their own answers. In practice this looks like asking insightful questions and deeply listening to the answers to help them build awareness of the situation and their options. Not only do they feel seen, heard, and validated, but you’ve put the responsibility back where it should be — on them. You help them find their own answers and get creative with how to find solutions. They own the actions because they came up with their own path forward.

– Discussing coaching models and how you might adapt them to your organisation and leadership style. You will walk away with a good understanding of coaching fundamentals that you can start practising right away.

Coffee Break

Grab a refreshment, recharge, and meet your peers in the networking area.

Lightning Talk – Learnings from CrowdStrike, Boeing and Horizon – How Failures Happened And What We Can Learn

– Discuss these failures in terms of their technical and socio-technical factors, to talk holistically about what went wrong.

– Show you the simple pattern that describes the failure mode in each of these three cases.

– Highlight the major lesson from these cases that every tech leader should remember, to avoid repeating the same failure mode.

Panel Discussion – Choosing the Right Tech for the Right Reasons

– How to assess the alignment of new technologies with specific business needs and challenges, emphasising the importance of strategic fit over trend-following.
– Explore strategies to maintain a high level of engagement and innovation among technical teams, including creating an environment that encourages experimentation and rewards innovative thinking.
– Discuss methods for senior leaders to communicate the potential and practical benefits of new technologies to stakeholders, ensuring alignment with business objectives and realistic expectations.

Networking and Drinks Reception

Join us for a drink to toast the end of the first day of the conference! Mingle with people you met throughout the day and get to know those who you haven’t had a chance to meet yet. Cheers!

Day 2

25th September 2024

Time Main Stage
Keynote – The Role of AI in Shaping Future Workplaces

– Balancing the benefits of AI automation with the potential for job displacement.
– Investing in workforce reskilling and upskilling, developing ethical AI guidelines, and involving diverse stakeholders in AI development.
– AI will significantly impact the future of work, making it crucial to prepare for changes in job roles and skills requirements.

Presentation – Building a Culture of Continuous Learning

– Keeping pace with rapid technological advancements and ensuring teams have the skills needed to innovate.
– Creating learning and development programs, offering time for personal development, and fostering a culture that values curiosity and experimentation.
– Continuous learning is key to innovation, employee engagement, and retaining talent in the fast-evolving tech landscape.

Coffee Break

Grab a refreshment, recharge, and meet your peers in the networking area.

Panel Discussion – The New Productivity Paradigm: Balancing Output and Wellbeing

– A discussion on expanding the definition of productivity to include quality, innovation, and employee satisfaction, beyond traditional output metrics.
– Identifying key metrics that accurately reflect both the efficiency and effectiveness of tech teams, including leading indicators of wellbeing and engagement.
– Techniques for aligning productivity metrics with broader business goals, ensuring that measures of success contribute to the company’s overall strategy and values.

Presentation – Optimising Impact: Going beyond developers’ productivity

– Developers are more productive now than ever before. In a context where expectations toward tech keep growing, engineering organisations are struggling to answer the question “are we doing well?” with accuracy – how can you better define what success means for engineering?

– Discuss and define how to go beyond productivity KPIs, to identify which kind of metrics can measure impact, efficiency, and collaboration in software development.

– Explore strategies based on measurement and data to enhance performance, offering insights into how these can be seamlessly integrated into workflows without compromising team morale or stifling creativity.

Community Showcase – Beyond Tech: Influencing the Organization for Better Performance

– Hidden Opportunities Underneath Problems: Often, demands from business lines mask painful reality within an organisation. Explore the challenge, how the organisation got stuck, how it identified the issue – and the results they got.

– Conflicting Targets Leading to Analysis Paralysis: A situation where no technological solution is sufficient, discuss how recognising and addressing these conflicts at the strategic level can catalyse decisive action and clear the path for progress.

– Re-evaluating Budgeting Principles: The perception of IT as a cost centre which does not deliver enough value is always a challenge for CIO/CTO. Exploring budgeting principles that contribute to this view and the strategic adjustments that can reposition IT as a valuable, cost-effective partner in achieving business goals.

Presentation – Scaling your Tech with Platformisation to Achieve Fast Flow

– Explore the concept of platformisation as a strategic approach to scaling technology operations and enhancing the flow of delivery.
– Drawing on insights from industry experts like Manuel Pais and the practical experiences at Bpifrance Digital to understand how platformisation enables seamless integration.
– Discuss actionable steps for effectively implementing a platform strategy in your organisation, aimed at reducing duplication and dependencies while empowering product teams.
– Learn about the tools and metrics that can be used to track the effectiveness and success of platformisation efforts, ensuring that the implemented strategies deliver tangible value.

Community Showcase – SPACE Metrics: How to Increase Developer Productivity Without Burning Out Your Team

– Engineering leadership is either not measuring, measuring the wrong thing, or measuring but not improving.
– Introduction to the SPACE framework to measure developer productivity holistically.
– Understand how to focus on the right set of metrics to bring awareness to what needs to be fixed in your engineering organization to improve productivity, start delivering, and increase the flow of your team.
– Discover pragmatic changes you can implement to introduce a new metrics framework into your organization.

Coffee Break

Grab a refreshment, recharge, and meet your peers in the networking area.

Community Showcase – The Boss who Mistook his Job for his Life

– A boss who couldn’t let go, made impulsive decisions, painted an unrealistic picture of the business, disregarded disturbing information, and instilled false hope.

– He built delusions that kept him from accepting reality, trusted his team without clear expectations, and got frustrated when things weren’t done his way.

– This boss used to be me, and now it’s my coaching clients, who struggle with the same leadership issues, frustrating their teams and burning themselves out.

– In this talk, I will share common struggles for new managers, tools to overcome biases and delusions, and ways to accept reality and move forward before it’s too late.

Panel Discussion – Navigating the Dual Role: CTPO vs. CTO

– Exploring the synergy between product vision and technological execution within the CTPO role and its potential to streamline decision-making and innovation.
– Addressing the challenges of managing dual responsibilities, from resource allocation to prioritising initiatives, and strategies for effective leadership.
– Discussing the implications of the CTPO role on team dynamics, culture, and overall business agility, and why understanding these impacts is crucial for current and


So, what are you waiting for?